Affinity Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Tel 01415787329      Mob 07961484343 


 Evidence Based approaches using :- Hypnotherapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for the treatment of Anxiety States, Phobias, Management of Pain, Stress, PTSD and Chronic conditions , Low Self-Esteem and Confidence Issues.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."



This is a recent form of therapy developed originally from observations from acupuncture and acupressure, which an American psychologist called Roger Callahan formulated into a series of protocols, tapping areas (instead of using needles) which are believed to correspond to energy pathways in the body (so called meridian points). This has come to be called energy psychology. Callahan's work has given rise to a subsequent series of these derived therapy forms, the most prominent of which is called Emotional Freedom Techniques, developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford scientist.

The basic principle which underlines these therapies, (or as it has been described by Craig as the discovery statement) is that, "The cause of all negative emotions in the body is an energy imbalance".   

Taking meridian starting or end points identified by Callahan, Craig  essentially explored  aspects of emotional thinking & developed a pragmatic & practical approach which makes treatment, research   and knowledge simple and more accessible to the public generally, both potential clients & therapists. Craig's approach affords anyone access through interest, without the need to adhere to complex protocols for the therapy to work. 

As a consequence of this open and empowering approach,  learning is developing rapidly, and EFT can be used as an adjunct to other therapy or learning processes.

Craig has created an extensive & comprehensive website, and this can be perused at   :  and the EFT manual can be downloaded (for Free) from this.

Issues which have been dealt with using EFT:-

Addictions, Weight Loss, Allergies, Children's Issues, Animals, Vision, Headaches, Panic/Anxiety, Asthma, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, Depression, Dyslexia, Carpal Tunnel, Anger, ADD-ADHD, Fears/Phobias, Eating Disorders,Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Pain Management, Neuropathy, Fear of Flying, Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia, Anorexia/Bulimia, Sports & other Performance

As with hypnotherapy & CBT, or any other form of therapy, nothing works for everyone, and effects may vary, with some effects  being more temporary, others more permanent. Craig makes the point on his website that our knowledge of these processes is still in it's infancy, but while it has been made as user-friendly as possible, he says that some people's issues are such that they should not try ANY healing process or procedure without the presence and guidance of a qualified health professional.


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